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Published on Sep 29
The UCR National Registration System will begin accepting registrations for the 2022 registration year beginning on Friday, October 1 at 8:00am EST. Fees will remain the same as they are for 2021. The submission deadline is December 31, 2021.
What is UCR?
UCR is the Unified Carrier Registration program, a system for registering and collecting the fees from the operators of vehicles engaged in travel between states. Although the program is state administered, it’s established under federal law. Fees charged under the program are uniform across all participating states and are set by the Secretary of Transportation upon recommendations from the UCR Board.
Who is subject to UCR?
Interstate motor carriers of almost every type, interstate transportation brokers, freight forwarders, and companies that lease or rent rolling stock to interstate carriers are all subject to UCR. These entities are required to register annually with their “home” state and pay an annual fee. One annual registration applies to all vehicles registered under the specified USDOT number. More complete information can be found in the UCR Handbook.
What are the UCR fees?
UCR Registration is based on fleet size and fees are graduated through a six-bracket system, depending upon the total number of commercial motor vehicles operated by the carrier. Brokers and leasing companies who operate no vehicles themselves must still register for the program at a level of 0-2. Below is a table outlining the fee tiers for the 2022 registration year.

A commercial motor vehicle is any vehicle that meets any one of the following criteria:
- Has a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) over 10,000 pounds,
- Is designed to transport more than 15 passengers, including the driver, or
- Is transporting hazardous materials in quantities requiring the vehicle to be placarded.
For purposes of determining UCR carrier fees, the number of commercial motor vehicles the carrier operates is the number reported on the most recent Form MCS-150 filed with the FMCSA.
Sheakley can help!
Transportation rules and regulations can be overwhelming, making it easy to overlook crucial requirements and important dates. Our team of transportation experts can help shoulder the burden so you never miss another deadline again! Our comprehensive solutions are designed to streamline and simplify the compliance process, maximize efficiency, and ensure the safety and security of your fleet.
Contact us today to get a free safety consultation and learn more about our services – including DOT Authority Form Assist, which includes UCR Registration filing.