Absence Management

What is the Offsite Return to Work or Modified Duty Offsite Program?

Abby Oakman
lifting boxes
Reading time 2 Mins
Published on Aug 30

Do you struggle with providing light duty work restrictions for your employees? Can you imagine providing light duty options for almost 100% of your workforce? Many industries such as construction, manufacturing, transportation and staffing struggle with return-to-work options for their employees. Lifting and sitting restrictions are one of the leading work limitations that prevent the employee from returning to work with their employer. Employers should NEVER have their employees sitting at home while on work restrictions. Providing light duty options for your employees will not only save your company money but it also improves morale and reduces the likelihood of the employee retaining an attorney.

Statistics show that employees who remain off work after six months, only 50% will return to work with their former employer. The longer the person is off work the lower the chances of them returning back to their former job. Employees who return to work with light duty work restrictions recover faster than the employee who remains off work.

What are the benefits?
1. The employee will continue receiving their salary through their employer vs. being paid temporary and total disability through their workers’ compensation claim.
2. Deconditioning is reduced which results in less medical expenses.
3. Possible tax incentives for the employer (consult your tax adviser)
4. Lowering the indemnity cost (by paying the employees’ wages) could lower the employers experience modification factor (E-mod)
5. Studies show employees actively working will recover faster than employees who are off on TTD.
6. Employee will be able to maintain their seniority and benefits with their employer.
7. Improves morale with the employee that could reduce unnecessary employment litigation.
8. Improves the employees’ strength and endurance to prepare them for a safe gradual return-to-work.
9. Keeping the employee productive avoids disability syndrome.
10. Employer and employee are giving back to their community.

Sheakley understands the importance of early return-to-work. We specialize in finding light duty solutions for our clients by providing temporary job placements with nonprofit organizations. With our state of the art technology, we are able to identify work assignments that are aligned with your employees work restrictions and their home address. We have a 99% success rate with the ability to locate placements within 24-48 hours. We also provide individual attention with a Nurse Case Manager during the placement appointment to review program details with your employee.

For more information, contact:
Christine Nickloes | Operations Manager | Christine.nickloes@sheakley.com | 513-618-1125

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